
12:00 p.m.                   Registration desk open in the FFA Enrichment Center Atrium
1:00 p.m.                     Welcome and Opening Comments

  • Josh Gackle, ASA President and North Dakota Farmer
  • Mike Pearson, Event Emcee and Host of This Week in Agribusiness

1:15 p.m.                     How Consumer Perspectives are Shaping the Industry

  • Panelists from PepsiCo, Soil & Water Outcomes Fund and others will discuss consumer perspectives on conservation and sustainability and how companies like PepsiCo are working with farmers to meet consumer demands.
  • David Allen, Chief Sustainability Officer, PepsiCo Foods North America
  • Adam Kiel, Executive Director, Ag Outcomes
  • Brent Larson, J & B Larson Farms, Story City, Iowa


2:10 p.m.                     Federal Conservation Programs Available to U.S. Farmers 

  • Featuring representatives from ASA, national conservation groups and technical assistance providers. 
  • Ryan Heininger, Executive Director, Conservation Technology Information Center
  • Scott Gerlt, Chief Economist, American Soybean Association

2:45 p.m.                     News from the United Soybean Board and Our Soy Checkoff


2:55 p.m.                     Break in Atrium with Sponsor Exhibits


3:10 p.m.                    U.S. Soy Organizations Offering New Conservation Programs and Additional Profit Opportunities for Farmers

  • This informative panel will highlight the many new conservation programs affiliated with state and national soybean organizations, including Farmers for Soil Health, Soil and Water Outcomes Fund and others.
  • Jack Cornell, Director of Sustainable Supply, United Soybean Board
  • Christie Wiebbecke, PhD, Chief Officer, Research and Conservation, Iowa Soybean Association
  • Clayton Light, Director of Conservation Agriculture & Farm Operations, Missouri Soybean Association

3:55 p.m.                     Nutrien Ag Solutions: Influencing the Future of Sustainable Practice Adoption

  • Ryan Locke, Director, Sustainability Partnerships & Business Development, Nutrien Ag Solutions


4:05 p.m.                     Finding the Right Program with Economic Benefits for Your Farm

  • Alejandro Plastina, PhD, Director of the Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center at the University of Missouri – Columbia


4:35 p.m.                    Time to Shop! Roundtable Discussions with Technical Experts on Specific Programs   

  • Technical experts are here to answer your questions! Several companies and organizations will host roundtable discussions that give farmers the chance to ask more in-depth questions about specific conservation programs in a smaller group setting. This is your opportunity to shop for a program that fits your operation. Three sessions will last about 15 minutes each. When the bell rings, everyone moves to a new table. 

5:40 p.m.                     Closing Comments and Adjourn

5:45 p.m.                     ASA Farmer Forum Reception in the Atrium
                                              Stop by sponsor displays and visit with other farmers, industry friends and conservation technical experts in the atrium                                                                          while enjoying drinks and hors d'oeuvres.